Coming soon…
This is the page where you can see various helpful resources that we recommend, especially to those who are thinking of planting Presbyterian Reformed churches or even who want to be part of the IPC denomination. From historical confessions of faith, our membership course, the membership oath, historical creeds and the IPC Church Organization Book, all of these materials we hope will be helpful to other church planters with the hope that God will bless this work and more and more Reformed churches will spring up in Romania.
We also want to post sermons from our public worship, adult Sunday school sessions, or other types of resources that we have either translated from English or produced directly.
The resources posted here we hope will be helpful both to us as a church and to others seeking quality resources from a Reformed perspective. Some of them will be produced by our church, and others will be resources that we find valuable and insightful and therefore recommend. Just because we recommend a particular resource from a Bible teacher or church, does not mean we agree with everything he teaches on every other topic. But we believe at the same time that there are many other things we have in common and there are many valuable resources they produce that we recommend.
Under our recommendations of resources produced by others you will find selected video series, lectures on various topics, theological seminars, sermons and articles.
Here you can find one of the most useful series of books by R.C. Sproul translated into Romanian by Magna Gratia:
We hope it will be of use to you and so “making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” – Ephesians 5:16